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Buy a vacation HOME

Your story begins right here

Our national and local teams will help you with every step, from deciding where to buy to managing your rental.

Buy a vacation home

Your story begins right here

Our national and local teams will help you with every step, from deciding where to buy to managing your rental.

    Right location

    Identify the ideal location

    When you’re choosing where to invest, our Swiss national team can provide a holistic overview of the vacation rental real estate market and identify the best opportunities for your investment in Switzerland.

    Based on your purchase budget, financing options, and personal interests, we’ll suggest specific locations and provide market data such as average home cost and average annual short-term rental income.


    Make an informed investment

    Once you’ve selected a location, we’ll connect you with a local vacation rental expert in our network to provide invaluable on-the-ground insight.

    Our local experts will provide custom rental income projections and cap rates for specific properties, so you get an accurate estimate of your earning potential. We can also identify the improvements you could make to increase a vacation home’s profitability, so you make the smartest possible investment.

    Work for you

    Let us get to work for you

    Once you’ve settled on the perfect property, our interior design team can make furnishing your new home a fun and stress-free experience. When you’re ready to start renting, our local management team will handle the permitting process, tax registration, photography, and all the other details required to get your vacation home up, running, and earning.

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